
Getting involved with School Council is a great way for parents/guardians to become more familiar with your child’s school and peers.

There are many ways to get involved!

Attend Council meetings. Find out what’s going on in the school from council members, the principal and a teacher representative. We would love to meet you and learn how to support you better. Take a look at the Council calendar for meeting dates and times. Take a look at past meeting minutes to find out what has been discussed before.

Volunteer for any of School Council’s ongoing projects and initiatives. You might be surprised to know how many initiatives are led by parents with the support of Council! Get involved by sharing your skills and experience.

Here are some of the events that will require volunteers during the school year. Please send an email to [email protected] to let us know which activities you are interested in.

  • Movie Night – Help is needed to help run the canteen, sell tickets, donation of baked goods and clean up at the end of the evening.
  • Popcorn Fridays – The last Friday of every month we will be selling Popcorn.  Help is needed with the sorting and delivery of popcorn to all the classrooms.
  • Active Transportation and Active Kids – Ongoing activities throughout the year to support Active Kids, including the Walk to School days, Terry Fox Run and other sports clubs (such as soccer and basketball).
  • Spring Fling – Spring Fling is our school’s biggest social event.  In order to run a successful event, we require volunteers to help organize ahead of time and many volunteers the day of the event.  Please sign up now so we can ensure enough volunteers to continue this Woodroffe Avenue Public School tradition.  We need between 90 and 100 volunteers to successfully run this fundraiser.
  • Other fundraising events – We’re always looking for help with fundraising, with a variety of events throughout the year.

Volunteer in the school or classroomSee below for more details.

Volunteer as a Council executive member. Any contribution, big or small, is greatly appreciated.

Make a tax deductible charitable donation to School Council to fund initiatives and projects.

Volunteer in the School or Classroom

There are many ways to volunteer at Woodroffe Ave. Public School. Whether you are able to give a few hours a week or one day a year, your contribution is greatly appreciated. Please send us an email to let us know what activities you can volunteer for this year.

Please note that while there are many opportunities to volunteer in your child’s classroom and on school field trips, these volunteer opportunities are organized by the individual teachers. They will contact you directly with more information.

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