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The Woodroffe Avenue Public School Council Executive Group for the 2023-2024 school year was ratified on September 19th. If you would like to take the lead on a vacant position or contribute in another way to council, contact us:

General questions/comments for council: [email protected]

Council Executive Members 2023-2024:

Committee Members:

  • OCASC Representatives:  Lisa Vandermeer & Julie Demole
  • Safe Travel Planning Representative: Loren Bekeris
  • Healthy Active Kids: Mat Poirier
  • Garden Committee: Steph Duffey
  • Outreach Committee: Kirstin Greystone
  • Multicultural Arts Coordinator: Sarah Futterer
  • Student Well Being: Janelle Shields

Other Non-Elected Volunteer Roles:

  • Ski and Snowboard Club Coordinator: Patricia Boyd
  • Yearbook Team: Marissa Hill-Kleast & Lisa Vandermeer
  • Plant Sale: Daniela Humeniuk
  • Book Sale Lead: Genevieve Fujarczuk & Heather Logan
  • Movie Night Coordinator: TBC
  • Intermediate Parent Committee: Kirstin Graystone & Natalie Baizana

School Council - Roles and Responsibilities

Chair – leads the monthly meetings, reviews the minutes, meets regularly with the administration, supports Student Council, answers parent’s queries, coordinates communications out to parents and oversees and supports the activities of council. Approx time commitment: a few hours per week

Vice Chair – works with the Chair to provide support and oversight to all Council activities. Approx time commitment 5hrs/week but varies according to Council events. Approx time commitment: a few hours per week

Treasurer – manages the Council budget, is responsible for issuing all cheques, bank transactions, charitable donations, and attends/supervises all fundraising events at Woodroffe (movie nights, etc). The treasurer will work in partnership with our professional Bookkeeper (including occasional meetings to reconcile the account, update the budget, and report to the OCDSB and CRA). Approx time commitment: 5hrs/month

Secretary – prepares the agenda, attends the monthly meetings and takes minutes to be posted on the Council website. Approx time commitment: 3-4 hrs/month

Fundraising Coordinator & Committee – oversees all the fundraising initiatives at WPS (Popcorn and Equator fundraisers, Family Movie Nights, Book Sale, Cake sale, Plant Sale, Spring Fling, and any new ideas that are proposed). We need a strong committee for these projects and ideally a lead for each individual fundraiser. Approx time commitment for fundraising coordinator: variable but an average of 10hrs/month

Spring Fling Coordinator: establishes a committee over the fall to lead the Spring Fling event in June (Thurs June 6, 2024). Organizes vendors, food orders and distribution, coordinates all communication to parents including extensive volunteer requests.  Approx time commitment: 5-20 hrs per week in April, May and June

Communications Representative -  responsible for updating the WAPS Council content on the school website, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts and replying to/forwarding all parent and community queries sent to the Woodroffe Council email address.  Helps coordinate communications out to parents. Update School Council Google Calendars with events and meetings.  Set up Google Meet for upcoming meetings.  Approx time commitment: 2-3 hrs per week

Volunteer Coordinator - coordinates the emails requesting volunteer needs and sets up and oversees the Volunteer Sign Up website. Works with the event organizer to ensure positions are filled and volunteers are kept informed of any changes, especially important for larger events like Spring Fling and the Book Sale. Prepare and update volunteer spreadsheets.  Approx time commitment: 2-3 hrs/month, based on events scheduled.

OCASC Representative – The Ottawa Carleton Assembly of School Councils meets each month (3rd Thursday of each month) and invites one representative from each school. These meetings provide a chance for all councils to share ideas, discuss issues and provide input to the School Board on a variety of topics. The OCASC Rep would be encouraged to share any relevant information with Woodroffe parents at our monthly Council meeting. Approx time commitment: 4 hrs/month

Safe Travel Planning Representative – responsible for ensuring that travel to school is safe for our students (especially those that walk and bike), includes consulting with board and city representatives on crossing guards, walking school bus, appropriate sidewalks as well as planning the iWalk days (typically one in Oct and one in the winter) Approx time commitment: 2 hrs/month based on meetings and events scheduled

Multicultural and Arts Committee – chooses and schedules workshops for each class according to Council budget, artist and teacher schedules, coordinates parent support if needed, and ensures that topics are current and that students experience a variety of artists and cultures from year to year. Approx time commitment: 2-4 hrs/month but extremely variable based on workshop schedule

Healthy Active Kids Committee – organizes workshops, sports equipment purchases, and outdoor fitness events to encourage kids to stay active and choose a healthy lifestyle. This committee works with the school administration to support events such as Terry Fox run/walk, Running club, and the outdoor fun days. Approx time commitment: 1-2hrs/month (variable)

Student Well Being Committee – works with the school staff to support current programming and organizes parent learning workshops based on our Parent Reaching Out grant funding.  Past workshop topics include tech safety, anxiety, executive learning skills, supporting math learning at home, etc).  Approx 1-2 hrs/month (variable based on initiatives)

Garden Committee – responsible for the care and maintenance of the front gardens and can also work with the school staff to support the vegetable garden and other food literacy program.  Approx 2-3 hrs per month and could increase to 1-2 hrs per week during May and June

Outreach Committee – responsible for supporting outreach projects with the Pinecrest Public School community.  Approx 1-2 hrs/month based on initiatives

Yearbook Committee - responsible for taking photos at school-wide events, sporting events, clubs etc to ensure all students are represented in the yearbook.  We are looking for 1-2 parents that are committed to working with the Yearbook coordinator to design and layout the 2023-24 Woodroffe yearbook.  Knowledge of CorelDraw or Adobe Photoshop is required.  This project also includes supporting the Grade 8 yearbook club.  1-5 hrs/week from Feb to May.

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