Drop Off and Pickup

School starts at 8:30am and our yard is supervised as of 8:15am.  We encourage all of our students to arrive prior to the bell so that they are able to connect with their peers, greet their teacher and start the day with everyone.

Drop Offs: Walkers and Bikers are encouraged to enter through the Lockhart gate and use the bike racks all located at the back of the school.  There is a crossing guard and duty teacher available to support student arrival.  Parents wishing to drive their child to school have two options.  Firstly, we have a kiss and ride at the front of the school on the left hand side of the driveway. The second option is to park at the United Church next door to Woodroffe and walk your child(ren) in.  Please do not use our staff parking lot for drop offs or pick-ups as this is not safe. Our staff have staggered start times throughout the day, we have no additional parking in the staff parking lot. 

Pick Up: Students using the buses are at the front of the school.  Walkers and bikers are exiting out onto Lockhart unless otherwise arranged.  Dovercourt also has a bus provided at the front of the school for pick up.  All other daycare and afterschool options have pre-arranged locations.  EDP meet students in the yard for the beginning of their outdoor play time.  The Lockhart gate is opened at approximately 3pm or once the duty teacher has arrived and locked again at 3:15pm.  The expectation is that if parents are picking up their children they arrive at 3pm to do so. Students who have not been picked up by 3:15pm will be brought to the office.