School Council

School Council
Dedicated to enhancing the experience of our children at school.

School Council - helping to keep our community connected in the 2024-2025 school year!

School Council is a forum for bringing the school community together, including teachers, school administration, parents, guardians and family members.

Please contact us if you have any questions or want to contact a member of our council:
- Email: 
[email protected]
Facebook group (Woodroffe PS Parents)
- Instagram (@wps_council)

Every parent has something to contribute to council.

School Council is made up of hardworking parents and community members just like you who want to support their children’s success at school.

Parents/guardians and family members play the first and most important role in their children’s education and are key partners in building a quality education system. While we know things are going to be "just a little bit" different this year, we know that the core purpose of the School Council to promote and support the involvement of parents in their child’s learning remains. In addition to volunteering (just not inside the school at this point in time) and supporting your children at home, council provides another option for parents to get involved in the school, learn more about your child’s education, find resources and support.


An important purpose of School Council is communication between the school community (teachers, administration and the Board) and the parent community (parents, guardians and family members). Council shares information with parents and the community, seeks their ideas and consults on their views about matters under consideration, and involves the parent community in decisions, priority setting and planning. We send messages to the school community via the school administration, and also do our best to keep a Facebook site and Twitter updated as best possible, and have started to branch out on Instagram. Information from administration is always the best place to look first!


A significant activity of School Council is fundraising. These parent-generated funds pay for many programs and initiatives that enhance the school day of our children, such as the arts and physical activity programs, classroom resources and supports. For more details on Council projects & initiatives, see the dedicated pages.

Community Outreach

Another activity of School Council is community outreach. We work with other councils through the Ottawa-Carleton Assembly of School Councils, with other schools that need resources and expertise, and with our community. We organize fun events at the school that promote school and community interaction.

Join in the fun and get engaged - School Council is more than just meetings!

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